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Brick Masonry Experts in the Chicagoland Area

One of the best things about brick masonry is that it can be used in a variety of settings. Whether you want to add an air of classic beauty to your home or professionalism to your commercial building, brick masonry does not disappoint. Soumar Masonry provides the Chicagoland area with top-notch brick stone masonry, brick masonry repair, and general brick masonry services. We have seen firsthand how brick masonry can turn a whole property around. Our services are catered to the needs of your property, and we are certain that we can find a brick masonry solution that works for you.

The well-maintained exterior of a residence after completed masonry repairs in Chicago, IL

Brick Masonry Bonds

There are different types of bonds that are used for brick structures. The different types have different aesthetic appeals and are used in different scenarios:

  • Stretcher Bonds – The stretcher bond is the simplest method as the bricks are laid and set in a horizontal pattern.
  • Header Bonds – This type of bond involves overlapping headers and is typically used for curved brick structures.
  • English Bonds – The English bond combines alternating stretcher and header patterns.
  • Flemish/Dutch Bonds – This also uses alternating patterns of stretcher and header bonds; but with stretchers sandwiched between headers to give a checkered appearance.

Why Choose Brick Masonry?

Brick holds many advantages over other building materials. For one thing, it will not burn up in a fire, and in some cases may cut your fire insurance rates in half. Brick is also not susceptible to warping or rusting like wood and metal. While painting is an option, you don’t have to paint brickwork or keep up with new coats as brick naturally retains its color for many years. Lastly, many people simply prefer the aesthetic of classic brick masonry.

The Soumar Masonry Advantage

When you hire Soumar Masonry, you are putting nearly 100 years’ worth of experience on your jobsite. No matter how delicate or complex the project may be, our experts will be able to handle it. We also have a considerable portfolio of highly-detailed historic masonry restoration jobs to our credit so you can actually see the kind of quality work we are capable of.

We are passionate about fine masonry work. It’s a satisfying yet highly-challenging and taxing trade – and since 1938, we have been doing it the right way. Today, we are a modern masonry restoration and repair company with more than enough manpower to complete your project on time and within budget. Ours is a multi-generational company that takes great pride in seeing a job well done.

That is what sets us apart from our competitors in Elmhurst and Chicago – masonry is in our blood. It’s what we’re passionate about. If your masonry job requires unparalleled craftsmanship and unrivaled capability, we are the contractors to work with. Talk to us about your project today!

Contact Soumar Masonry

We are always excited to hear about new masonry projects, and we take great pride in rising to new challenges. From multi-unit residential restoration work to commercial restoration and everything in between, you can count on us to get the job done right. Request an estimate today!

Expert Masonry Repair and Restoration